D Esser Vst Free

Ahh, sibilance. Crucial for intelligibility, but lethal in high doses. And if you’re stacking your vocal tracks, that goes triple.

VST Spitfish is a dead-easy to use de-esser. Aimed mainly at mono or stereo vocal tracks. Just like classic analog de-essers, this unit dynamically filters out harsh, annoying s-like sounds that would otherwise 'spit' in your face.

The battle may be a little closer to won with the Tonmann De-Esser, a great little free plugin from Tonmann.

Best free de esser vst

Check out the spiel from the website:

“Tonmann DeEsser is a basic high frequency dynamic processor VST plugin, called a DeEsser because it’s mainly designed to get rid of ‘stinging’ sibilants that may occur on vocals after compression or adding a high boost.”
“The plugin has been carefully designed to suppress any artificial or alienated sound that may arise under awkward situations with some other (even some hardware) DeEssers.”

Sounds good to me. Run it in mono or stereo, it features lookahead functionality and ‘listen’ mode.


This is the updated version, with a sexy new GUI from DeLaMancha.

D Esser Vst Free Download

Get it here: https://www.tonmann.com/2015/07/18/free-tonmann-deesser-vst-plugin/

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