Best Vst Plugins For Ed

HomeVSTsVST Plugins Guide: The Best VST Effects and Instruments

While this term may seem alien to most, you would not have escaped VST plugins if you are a part of the ever-increasing group of people who spent time recording and producing music on their computers.

Synth-based VST plugins can help you get sounds that are similar to the ones created by instruments as well as the environment. A piano is a large instrument that you possibly cannot lug around wherever you go. Therefore, VST plugins make for great alternatives that give you the right sound quality coupled with convenience. Synthesizer plugins are one of the most exciting parts of digital music production. No matter what sound you’re chasing, there’s a soft synth out there that will help you get it. These are the best synth plugins to check out next time you’re GAS-ing for a powerful new plugin to add to your arsenal. Klanghelm has made a good name in the world of plugins for music production – they are known for their quality and reliability. If you are looking for a good addition to your VST effects for vocals, DC1A will be a great addition to the bundle. DC1A is a little compressor with nice vintage design and a simple and intuitive interface.

You could be a small, bedroom-sized studio owner who just does this on the side as a hobby, or you could be running a professional studio that produces music for others as well.

There is no way for you to produce real quality content without using the many different VST plugins that are easily available across platforms.

If you are looking for a guide that will help you understand VST plugins, all you need to do is keep reading!

VST Effects and VST Instruments
VST Effects
The Best EQ VST Plugins for Instruments and Vocals
VST Instruments

What Is VST?

VST is the short form commonly used for Virtual Studio Technology.

This technology was developed to replace the traditional audio recording hardware with the help of software that could do the job in a much easier manner. This interface standard works to connect synthesizers and effects to editors and recording programs focused on audio.

The main difference in the process — when you compare the traditional methods with VST — is that you don’t have to bother about routing the audio out of the computer to the units made especially for hardware effects and then get it back to the computer. Instead, all of it is done internally.

There are two types of VST plugins that you absolutely need to know about if you are into recording and producing music — VST effects and VST instruments. Within each of these categories, there are tons of different options for you to choose from. All of these may perform similar or vastly different functions.

Let’s delve deeper into both these types of plugins in the next section.

VST Effects and VST Instruments

In this section, we will be looking at the two main types of VST plugins that you can incorporate into your audio recording, editing and producing process.

Best Vst Plugins For Reason

The first of these is the VST effects, which also include a large number of different sub-categories within the larger category of effects.

Similarly, the second type of plugins are VST instruments, which also cover a wide range of categories, some of which will be discussed in greater detail below.

VST Effects

The first type — VST effects — work like most other types of audio effects and can be used to process audio in a more effective manner, as it gives you the option of using it in real-time. VST effects work best when they are used in combination with the right low-latency soundcard

If there is a particular audio effect found in the form of hardware, there will definitely be a VST option for the same.

The different effects can be split into many different categories, the most popular of which are mentioned below:

  • Modulation effects — For example, Chorus, Flanger, and Phaser.
  • Time-based effects — For example, Reverb, Delay, and Echo.
  • Spectral effects — For example, EQ and Panning
  • Dynamic effects — For example, Compression and Distortion
  • Filters — For example, Low-pass, High-pass, Band-pass, and

Let’s look at some of these in greater detail now.


The first type of VST plugins to be discussed here are the ones that concentrate on EQ. With the EQ plugins, you have control — digitally 0 over the frequency of the audio signals, which you can then adjust according to your requirement. There are many different types of EQ plugins available but their efficiency and utility will depend on your individual need for equalizing. Using these plugins, you can put together some simple adjustments and then customize the audio to fit your exact needs. The plugins may include many different multiple filters that help in either boosting or cutting off the different levels of frequencies.

The Best EQ VST Plugins for Instruments and Vocals

Looking to level up on your beats? Make sure you are always EQing everything with some of these free and paid eq vst plugins.


The second type is the reverb VST plugins, which are basically tools that help you create the surroundings — including the specific reflections — in which any instrument is being placed. These are wonderful when it comes to giving a natural feel to the audio, as they put together the right amount of delay, as well as the response frequency so that an accurate recreation of the natural setting can be created. There are different types of reverb plugins that you can turn to, but you must remember that the performance of these can vary to a great extent.


If you are looking for specific plugins that will record an audio signal and replay it after a decided interval of time till it fades out completely, you can get your hands on delay VST plugins. There are a ton of ways in which you can play with these VST effects and all of them will end up giving you vastly — or marginally — different end results. There are a number of controls that are typically found in delay plugins, for example, dry/wet — which can be used to decide whether you want the actual audio with repetitions or just the repetitions — delay time — which determines the time for the replays — as well as feedback controls, which help in deciding how long the replays are going to be.


Sometimes the difference between the louder and the softer sounds can get too jarring and the overall audio needs to be compressed to achieve a more balanced sound. Compressor VST plugins have been specially designed for situations like these, where their main purpose is to react to the audio signals and condense the sounds. These are different from EQ plugins, as they simply reduce the range of sounds that are coming in. There are many different types of compressor plugins, but the most basic ones usually come with a variety of adjustment controls like threshold, ratio, attack, release, knee, and more. These are in charge of the different aspects of the compression of sound signals.



Another set of plugins that work in a manner that is similar to EQs, in essence, are filters. These help in tuning frequencies that go out of a particular limit that has been set as the cut-off frequency. This includes both frequencies that go over it or stay under it. You have the option of making the most out of the different bands on which these plugins function and operate. While there are many different varieties available, there are three main ones that you should know about — high-pass filter, low-pass filter, and band-pass filters. While a high-pass filter will just disable frequencies below the cutoff, low pass will disable the ones that go above the cutoff. Band-pass filters will keep only those that fit in the specified band.


The last set of VST effects plugins to be discussed on this list are the ones aimed at distortion. If you choose such plugins and apply them to your audio, it will be intensified to a degree that makes it sound closer to what the same audio would sound in an analog setting. While in the past you didn’t have too much control over such distortion, now you can adjust all the different parameters that are in front of you to get a customized end result. Some parameters include multi-band, bit-crushers, phase, dynamic distortions and so much more. These can add a lot of character to the sound.

VST Instruments

Often referred to as VSTi, VST instruments can come in the form of either synthesizers or sampler units that you can play in real time. The other way to use them — if you are looking at live performances — is with MIDI. Regular instruments are physical pieces of hardware that can be bulky and unwieldy, but VST instruments are just the software versions of these, which makes them very handy for people working out of studios. Some of the more popular VST instruments will be discussed in greater detail below. Having these plugins loaded onto your computer eliminates the requirement of physically carrying around instruments.


As we mentioned before, VSTi plugins are going to give you all the benefits of having access to hardware without some of the associated disadvantages. With the help of a large number of VST drum plugins that are available — both for free and at some reasonable cost — you can get some authentic sounds in a virtual format. There are two types of drum plugins here. The first category of plugins is capable of mimicking the sound produced by the drums but with a few additional features for more depth. The second gives you many more options to create and innovate.

Best Vst Plugins For Edm


Bass is one of those elements that can make a world of a difference to the end result of your production. If you are looking for a virtual tool that will help you create a sound that is similar to the sound that is produced by analog tools, bass VST plugins can be the solution to your problems. As there are many different types of bass plugins available at any given time, you may have to choose what suits your requirements in the best possible way. Most, however, will give you a wide range of low-end variations and a chance to customize them according to your needs. The libraries included with these plugins are very impressive.


If you use the regular hardware synth instruments in your studio but want to switch them out for virtual software options, turning to synth-based VST plugins is always a good idea. These plugins help in creating the digital waveforms that emulate the sound that is produced by the physical instruments. With the help of these plugins, you can pick and choose which qualities you want to add while isolating and manipulating the basics. Synth-based VST plugins can help you get sounds that are similar to the ones created by instruments as well as the environment.


A piano is a large instrument that you possibly cannot lug around wherever you go. Therefore, VST plugins make for great alternatives that give you the right sound quality coupled with convenience. When it comes to piano VST plugins, there are two types that you must keep in mind. In the first category are those plugins that work with the help of sample sounds from an actual piano. The real instrument is used to record sounds and you will be required to use your computer as well as a MIDI keyboard controller to gain full access to its functionality. The second type use specially designed algorithms that mimic the sound produced by a piano.


If you need software that emulates the sound created by some of the popular stringed instruments that are used in the music industry, you should try to choose a good set of string VST plugins. With the help of high-quality processors and specialized parameters that are aimed at some of the more advanced utilization of the sound produced, these plugins help emulate the sound produced by a bunch of different stringed instruments like the guitar, violin and so on.


The final set of VST instrument plugins to be discussed on this list are orchestral plugins. Their functionality is not limited to just one or two instruments but covers a full collection of instruments, usually more in line with the classical form of music. The aim is to produce a sound that mimics an actual orchestra set up and performance by giving you access to libraries of samples that are extraordinary in terms of quality.

While it is easy to get overwhelmed by the number of options that are in front of you when it comes to VST plugins, there are some things that you must keep in mind before giving in to the hype. First and foremost, check the system requirements, as there are some plugins that may not go well with your CPU. Additionally, it is important to know the source of the plugins, as these are third-party elements that may put your system in danger if you don’t look at the makers and their reputation. There may be free plugins but you may have to pay anywhere between a few dollars to a few hundred dollars for the plugins.

If you have been putting off using VST plugins, it is recommended that you try to incorporate these into your audio development process and just see the massive difference that they make to the quality of output. This is something that you just can’t avoid if you want the best out of your system!

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It’s the end of the month, and your bank account is empty…



And as much as you might feel like buying that new Waves plugin…

(You’ve had your eye on it for months, right?)

It’s probably not a good idea.

But if you’re still looking to expand your plugin library, don’t worry.

Sometimes, the best things in life are free…

Here are 7 of my favorite free plugins. Each of them offers something new and unique (no boring EQs or compressors). Download them all to extend your sonic palette and ultimately, craft better-sounding tracks.

And if you’re looking to dive deeper, I also put together a list of five plugins I use on every mix. If you’re wondering which plugins I recommend, download the list below to make sure you’ve got my top tools for the job.

1. iZotope Neutrino

Neutrino is the baby brother of Neutron—iZotope’s newest channel-strip plugin. While Neutron has a number of innovative features, Neutrino spins off the best of them.

Neutrino tames undesirable resonances caused by poor room acoustics, cheap gear, and heavy-handed processing. iZotope calls the effect “spectral shaping,” and it can sound similar to gentle, low-ratio multiband compression. This can make tracks sound smoother and more polished—like sanding the rough edges off a freshly cut piece of wood. I find Neutrino particularly useful on electric guitar tracks, which often have lots of harsh resonances.

2. Voxengo SPAN

People say “don’t mix with your eyes.”


The truth?

Tools that provide visual feedback, when used properly, can help you make better mixing decisions.

A spectrum analyzer is one of these tools. It plots the frequencies of sounds out on a graph, which allows you to “see” what tracks are comprised of.

SPAN is my favorite spectrum analyzer. You can control the ballistics and response of its graph, which makes it flexible enough for a wide variety of tasks. You can even route multiple tracks into SPAN and compare their frequency content.

(P.S. Voxengo has a few other free VST plugins. They’re worth checking out too, but SPAN is my favorite.)

3. Brainworx bx_solo

Bx_solo is a no-frills, stereo-imaging plugin. While it’s the least sexy of this bunch, it can still be pretty useful.

I like to add bx_solo to my mix bus. While I rarely push the stereo width past 100%, collapsing it to zero is an easy way to check for mono compatibility. The mid and side solo buttons are also useful. It’s great to have this one around—you never know when you might need it!

4. HOFA 4U Project Time

Mixing is a race against time.


The more time you spend on a mix, the more attached you become to what it sounds like. This makes it progressively harder to make good mixing decisions. Given enough time, even the worst mix will start to sound decent.

This is one reason I recommend mixing quickly and impulsively. You’ll get to the finish line faster, retain more objectivity, and ultimately, craft better mixes.

The first step towards more efficient mixing is to track how much time you spend doing it. Without this information, it’s easy to get lost in a black hole of endless tweaking.

Project Time makes this easy. Add it to a track, and it will start counting. The timer automatically stops when you close the session, and starts when you open it up again.

Keep an eye on Project Time, and you’ll train yourself to mix faster and more efficiently. It’s also an invaluable tool if you bill by the hour!

5. MeldaProduction MFreeFXBundle

MeldaProduction makes some great plugins. They’ve earned the praise of many notable engineers, including mastering guru Ian Shepard.

The MFreeFXBundle contains 30 free VST plugins. They range from workhorse tools like a compressor and EQ, to less common effects like a ring modulator, flanger, and oscilloscope.

If you’re looking to fill some holes in your plugin library, this is a great place to start.

6. Flux BitterSweet

BitterSweet is among the best transient shapers out there. It can produce results on par with studio mainstays like SPL’s Transient Designer and Waves’ Trans-X.

This simple plugin can achieve a wide variety of effects. Turn the knob to the right to add punch to drums, enhance the pluck of an acoustic guitar, or boost the consonants in a vocal performance. Turn the knob to the left to soften tracks and push them back in the soundstage.

7. iZotope Vinyl

Sometimes a little crackle is a good thing.

Vinyl will make tracks sound like they’re being played on a turntable. You can vary the intensity of the effect by controlling the volume of different types of noise, the degree of wear and tear, and the decade your sound is from. The results range from subtle filtering to Edison phonograph.

This plugin is great for special effects, like filtering down a vocal or making an intro sound tiny.

Moving Beyond Free Plugins: My Favorite Plugins

I hope these 7 free plugins help you craft tracks that sound fresh and unique.


Best Vst Plugins For Drums

If you’re looking to dive deeper, I also put together a list of 5 plugins I use on every mix. If you’re wondering which plugins I recommend, download the list below to make sure you’ve got my top tools for the job.

Before you go—what’s your favorite free VST plugin? Share your pick in the comment section below.

Bonus: 3 More Free Plugins for Mixing

3 Free Plugins I Use in Every Mix

Best Vst Plugins For Dubstep

It’s the end of the month, and your bank account is empty… …again. Oops. And as much as you might feel like buying that new Waves plugin… (You’ve had your eye on it for months, right?) It’s probably not a good idea. But if you're still looking to expand your plugin library, don't worry. Sometimes,

FREE Masterclass: Low-End Mixing Secrets

Best Vst Plugins For Sounds

Downloaded Over 19,455 times!

Discover how to make your kick and bass hit hard by cutting (NOT boosting) the right frequencies! Plus, more counterintuitive ways to get fuller yet controlled low-end in your mix. Download this 40-minute workshop by Matthew Weiss, now for FREE!

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